๐Ÿ—’๏ธVanter's Stress

Vanter is very ambitious. Therefore, the desire for level-up is also very strong. At the time when vanter can level up, <level up of each grade, reach 50% of experience value> if the user does not level up Vanter through class at the academy, it will be stressful.

Vanter's stress weakens vanterโ€™s motivation for work, reducing his total energy by 10% in five days (5 quests through Roggles).

The maximum energy penalty applies to 80% of the total. Stress phase = Min (ROUNDDOWN(post-stress days/5,0), 8)

The amount of energy by stress level in Vanter with Stamina level of 2

To relieve stress, user need to level up the vanter.

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