πŸ—’οΈSummon Vanter

VIM World does not migrate new vanter by administrators except for the first 100,000 vanters. The new vanter is added only by the user's summon. In order to summon a new vanter, the user must buffer the summoning power. Summoning power is charged one by one upon completion of the day's mission by the user, and the vanter can be recalled when all seven summoning power is fully buffered.

β€» Each user will be charged only one summoning power per day

Summoning requires two vanters, each of which must have at least one summon gem. When the spaceship is landed as a result of the recall, the user's recall power is initialized. vanter has a total of 7 summoning gems and consumes 1 gem per summons hour. It is also possible to create summons gem. It can be charged with the summons potion, which can be made by incinerating the summons gem of two source vanter.

Summons Potion Creation

= SUM(VANTER A's Summons GEM + VANTER B's Summons GEM) - 1

The number of summon ports for summoning Gem charging differs by class of VANTER, and the required number of ports is as follows.

Summons GEM Charging/Charging (Number of Potion Required for One Gem Charging) (Number of required potion for charging 1 gem)

Depending on the rating of the vanter participating in the recall and the number of summons, the cost and the rating of the Spaceship landed will vary.

Spaceship probability created with 2 VANTERS

Spaceship is divided into three classes: Bronze, Silver, and Gold, and the probability of each class of VANTER being summoned is as follows.

Probability of the Vanter rating being hatched on each Spaceship

Summons costs depend on the rating of the vanter participating in the summons and the number of summons, as the rating of the vanter affects the rating of the Spaceship, and you can receive additional bonus spaceship depending on the number of times.

Summons cost base by grade

● Common VANTER : 50 VIU

● Expert VANTER : 50 VIU + 50 VIZ

● Master VANTER : 75 VIU + 75 VIZ

● Grand-Master VANTER : 100 VIZ+0.5 BNB

● Hero VANTER : 200 VIZ+ 1 BNB


= SUMMONER VANTER A base value per level * (1+increasing rate) + SUMMONER VANTER B base value per level * (1+increasing rate) β€» increasing rate = (Summons number) * 0.1 + ROUNDDOWN(Summons number/10,0)

Bonus by number of Summons - 30th Summons : Probability generation Spaceship + 1 Silver Spaceship confirmed drop - 50th Summons : probability generation Spaceship + 1 Gold Spaceship confirmed drop - 150th Summons : probability generation Spaceship + 1 Silver & Gold Spaceship confirmed drop

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