Contents Schedule
Phase 1(2022 ~ 2023)
VIM World Service will provide the following content items.
NFT Minting
Additional vanter providing : In terms of launching, There will be additional vanters rather than Salley and Ted
Marketplace : Roggles and item transaction
Roggles upgrade
Promotion for virtual humans
Establishing quest and compensation plan for marketing purpose partnership with various virtual human manufacturers
Phase 2(2024 ~)
VIM World will perform large-scale additional updates at the time the vanter’s max level occurs.
Vanter's learning : Provide distinctions for vanter to earn additional rewards on specific SNS
Decorating the workspace (add items to improve the efficiency of the workspace)
Lease and purchasing system on workspace
Marketplace expansion : Additional rental service for roggles and vanter
Taxation with space rent : Income tax, possession tax
Additional Items
Last updated